June is South Africa's youth month. And in my talk to my young audience, I opened by saying, History has its eye on you to write a new chapter
We must rise to meet the challenge, rather than wish that it were not before us: in other words, if you don't think that you can change the world, it just means that you will not be one of the ones that will
We stand at a moment in history without precedent, meaning that the future is a blank canvas. And if you have the courage to bet on your own ideas and your own observations, you can make it what you will. The Promise land turns out to be (as I point out in my book, MOJOVIVE), something that you make, instead of turnkey and move in ready: in our pursuits lies our unfinished work for the world
The person who becomes conscious of their responsibility to their world never squanders their life away. They know the "why" of their existence and will always be able to figure out the "how"
It's for this purpose that we should live, enterprise and pass on in our life that what came to us as a seed, may go to the next generation as a bountiful blossom. And what you get as a blossom, you pass it on as a fruit extravaganza - this is continuity and progress.
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