I was privileged to give this talk to wide-eyed, brilliant young minds recently and am happy to re-share it with you.
Break every chain of mediocrity that bondage you: to be a culture shifter who changes the world, game changers have had to speak and strategize from the unseen inside them. For those of us not bound by the past, igniting our imagination is the only way to see beyond what was created before us, if we are incapable of seeing beyond what already exists, reality will remain unchanged.
Each of us was born to bring forth something new that has never existed before a way of being, a new revelation, an idea, art, a concept - something brand new. We are here to fully introduce ourselves, to impose ourselves and our ideas, thoughts and dreams onto the world. Leaving it changed forever by who we are and what we bring forth from our depths. So, we cannot contort ourselves to fit into the old establishment. " We must unleash ourselves and watch the world reorder itself in front of our eyes.

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